Scarlet & Violet Bugs Disappoint Gamers
21 Nov 2022

The anticipation and official launch of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet has been a huge event for fans of the franchise. It has become the most pre-ordered game of all time, with over 10 million copies sold in its first 3 days of release (November 18 this year). Despite all the expectations and ambitions of this launch, many players were disappointed with its quality.
Pokémon Scarlet has a Metacritic score of just 2.9 out of 10 (there are currently no reviews for Pokémon Violet). Players complain about general poor performance, frame rate issues, and other visual glitches. Developer Game Freak was accused of poor graphics quality and many shortcomings. Of course, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about various Scarlet & Violet bugs. Both famous critics and regular fans of the franchise expressed their opinions.
Of course, the technical problems of the new Pokémon games are frustrating for the majority of players. But you can see how viral these bugs have become on the Internet. Players have fun discovering new visual glitches and posting videos on TikTok, YouTube and Twitter. In some, you can see how terribly and unnaturally the arms and legs of the characters rotate, as well as how they disappear for no reason. Players use developers' mistakes to their advantage: some have discovered a bug that allows them to duplicate pokémons.
It is clear that future updates should contain fixes, if not all, then most of these issues. In the meantime, some players have fun, laughing at funny glitches. Although most of the bugs are related to the visual part, they still significantly affect the gameplay, preventing it from being enjoyed in the way that fans expected.
Have you tried playing Pokémon Scarlet & Violet? Tell us about your impressions in the comments.