
Google Now Has Stricter Rules Regarding the Installation of APKs by Apps in the Play Store

13 Apr 2022

Google Now Has Stricter Rules Regarding the Installation of APKs by Apps in the Play Store Image

The distribution of third-party apps stores has long been undesirable in the Play Store. At the same time, there hasn’t been any specific policy that prohibited applications from installing APKs if users agree to this. After the recent update of the April 2022 Developer Program Policy, the situation will change. 

According to the new rule, the app can install APKs only if there is a direct necessity to do so. For instance, if the app type is web browsers, file managers, and some others. In the case of the camera apps, games, and players, there shouldn’t be any necessity to install other applications on their own.

Google hasn’t provided any further explanations as to why they decided to make stricter rules. The possible reason for this update is to prevent maligned tactics, which have become particularly widespread.

According to Google, the app types that are viewed as acceptable under this updated policy include the following:

  • File management (sharing, transferring, and more)

  • Web search

  • Web browsing

  • Apps for enterprise management

  • Some communication apps (those that support attachments)

It should be mentioned that the bundling, changing, and self-updating of APKs is forbidden according to the new rules. The only exception is device management.

Another important piece of information is that all applications that use APKs should have a proper description as to what features of the application require this ability to work. This update should become valid on August 11, 2022, but it is still unknown how the Play Store will punish those who disregard the rules and how they will make sure that all app developers stick to them.

What do you think about this new rule? Will this update affect you? Share your thoughts on the topic in the comment section below.