
Meet New Chrome Web Store

03 Dec 2021

Meet New Chrome Web Store Image

After a long time, Google finally decided to reform its Chrome Web store by installing the new Manifest Version 3 (MV3). Now you don’t have to worry about downloading suspicious extensions, but it also might add some problems for the tools’ developers.

There is still a big and important change: A web store cleanup. The Chrome Developer Summit (CDS) has been held recently on Discord, where developers could freely talk about the prospects of their programs with the Chrome Team. Simeon Vincent, the developer advocate for Chrome Extensions, also voiced his opinion and ideas about MV3.

The usage of Manifest Version 2 (MV2) is set to end by January 2023, so by then we surely will be able to see new updates to the store. After that only outdated devices will run on MV2, and probably the extensions won’t be available in the app.

Switching to MV3 is about to bring modern functions to the web store, and users are curious to know which ones. Simeon Vincent hasn’t stated for sure what exactly will change, but it is still pleasant to hear that the works have begun. The advocate also mentioned that The web store and Play Store are not going to unite in the nearest future. This is reasonable, as Web Store is targeted at Chrome desktop users, bringing extensions, and the Play Store mainly functions as an app market for Chrome OS and Android devices.

Nevertheless, the CWS team has brought some exciting news, and we all hope that changes for the best are made. Web Store currently seems outdated and complex, while it is supposed to be an app marketplace, which users can visit any time looking for new updates. Right now we are all waiting for a user-friendly interface and improvements in a navigation system. This news has opened a new era for all Chrome users.
How do you think the Web Store will change? Are you excited to use its new version? Share your opinion in the comments below.