
The Most Important Trends of the Gaming Industry in 2021

22 Dec 2021

The Most Important Trends of the Gaming Industry in 2021 Image

There is no doubt that the gaming industry is a successful one and the numbers associated with it in 2021 only prove this. The entire industry managed to generate more than $156 billion by this fall, which is surely quite impressive. As for trends, we have definitely noticed a number of them this year and it would be interesting to see if they continue in the years.

One of the obvious 2021 tendencies in gaming is the wide introduction of early access games. With the help of this strategy, players who are particularly interested in a certain game can get access to it before its release. As for developers, they can get more funding for their games. What is more, gaming companies can see the reaction of players to the game and adjust it when necessary.

Another noticeable trend is the prominent position of Steam in PC gaming. Seeing the success of this platform, many famous gaming publishers create their storefronts. Such publishers include Rockstar, Ubisoft. Electronic Arts, and some others. Epic Games Store now hosts regular giveaways and offers exclusive titles to attract more players to their platform.

It’s not just the movie industry that likes to bring out remakes, as the same can be said about video games. This year, we noticed a definite growth in the number of game reboots and this makes sense. Such games sell well because of the sense of nostalgia and people wanting to play their favorite titles again. Some of the remakes we have seen this year include Prince of Persia, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Nier Replicant, and more.

One unfortunate trend that should be mentioned is the release of unfinished games. The pandemic had a serious effect on the work of gaming studios and many didn’t have enough time to finish their projects.

Have you noticed any other trends? Please, tell us what you think about this topic in the comments below!