
Thronebreaker: A Witcher’s Spin-off You Might Like

15 Dec 2021

Thronebreaker: A Witcher’s Spin-off You Might Like Image

While Cyberpunk 2077 steadily recovers from its initial fiasco, we can recommend you another game from the studio behind Witcher, which might be your cup of mead.

Thronebreaker is a long and captivating saga that unfolds amidst a fantasy kingdom that is torn apart by an invasion.

The plot is set in the Witcher’s universe and revolves around the Nilfgaardian invasion, which made the protagonist — the queen of Lyria and Rivia named Meve — practically homeless.

Without treasury, castle, and army, she struggles to put out of commission as many vile invaders as she can. And since she doesn’t have too much brawn, brains are her main weapon.

Meve has to play Gwent to achieve her goals. You play cards here to do everything: win support, amass funds, even defeat supernatural beings. Picture Hearthstone, only set in Slavic mythology.

This gambling tour takes you throughout the wonder-filled lands of the Witcher’s universe. And you will see areas like Angren, Mahakam, and Lower Aedirn that you don’t actually get to visit in Witcher. 

But it’s not just about shuffling cards. It’s also an RPG and you have to make a lot of choices. They will impact your progress, slightly affect the story and even change Meve’s personality.

Meve is a survivor, almost like a single mom. She lost her crown, and it’s up to you to help her amass a worthy, battle-capable army. Which is represented as a deck of cards, of course.

What you also might like is that the Thronebreaker’s events precede the Witcher’s story. It’s a deeper dip into the game’s folklore, as well as a chance to meet some of its lesser-known heroes and villains.

Thronebreaker is available on all platforms, including iOS and Android. So, if you enjoy cozy games with a warm fantasy vibe, spiced up with the Witcher aesthetics — Thronebreaker might be your thing.

Have you played it before? Share your review with us!