Resident Evil Village is a survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. The sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017), Resident Evil Village players control Ethan Winters, who is searching for his kidnapped daughter; after a fateful encounter with Chris Redfield, he finds himself in a village filled with mutant creatures. While Village maintains the Resident Evil series' survival horror elements, the game adopts a more action-oriented gameplay style compared to its predecessor. Resident Evil Village also includes an online multiplayer mode.
The gameplay in Resident Evil Village is a lot more action oriented compared to its predecessor. The game is more open-ended and is not as linear as Resident Evil 7. The player can now explore the village, and can find items that can be equipped to make the player stronger. There is also a merchant who the player can buy items and food from. The merchant also provides the player with side dishes that can be consumed to give the player a temporary boost. The player can also hunt animals in the village and have them cooked into dishes by the Duke. Eating side dishes allows the player to gain certain advantages such as decreasing the damage taken while blocking.
The graphics in Resident Evil Village are in the same vein as those in Resident Evil 7. The game has a dark and dreary atmosphere that makes for a more authentic horror experience. The graphics are a step up from Resident Evil 7, and feature a few more effects such as blood splatters. The character models are also more detailed, with more realistic features. The snowy environment of the village also looks great and makes for a chilling backdrop.
Information about replayability
Resident Evil Village has a lot of replay value. The player can go back to the village and find items that they might have missed the first time. The merchant also offers different side dishes each time, so the player can try to find the best one. There is also a multiplayer mode, which is more action-oriented and is different than what we've seen in previous games.
- Resident Evil Village has a lot of replay value
- The graphics in Resident Evil Village are in the same vein as those in Resident Evil 7
- The player can go back to the village and find items that they might have missed the first time
- Resident Evil Village also includes an online multiplayer mode
- The merchant also offers different side dishes each time
- The player can hunt animals in the village and have them cooked into dishes by the Duke
- The game is more open-ended and is not as linear as Resident Evil 7
- The inventory management mechanic is very similar to that of Resident Evil 4, featuring a briefcase and the ability to move and rotate items for better storage space
- The puzzles in Resident Evil Village are not as good as those in Resident Evil 7
- The boss battles in Resident Evil Village are not as good as those in Resident Evil 7
- The focus on this game is more on action than on horror
- The six player multiplayer mode in Resident Evil Village was delayed until summer 2021
Resident Evil Village is an action oriented survival horror game and a solid entry in the Resident Evil series. The game features more replay value than its predecessor, and the graphics are great.